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ABC Parenting Program

  • WHO?

The Center for Child and Family Health is offering a new program for parents of young children (ages 6-24 months) who have experienced early adversity (such as separation from a parent, exposure to violence or abuse/neglect, or medical issues such as prenatal substance exposure)– Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC). ABC is for children in the care of birth parents, foster parents, and adoptive parents.

  • WHAT?

The ABC Program focuses on building strong relationships between parents and children. Parenting a young child can be a tough job – and this program is here to help. It’s designed to help parents maximize the positive relationship they have with their child while also helping them learn effective strategies for managing their child’s behavior and emotions.

Session topics include: 

  • Providing nurturance
  • Following the child’s lead in play with delight
  • Attending to the child’s signals or cues


A trained counselor will: 

  • Provide support for parenting
  • Provide fun, developmentally-appropriate play activities for parents and babies.

The program consists of 10 weekly, 1-hour sessions. Sessions will be video recorded so parents can see themselves playing with their child.


The parenting sessions take place in the home. We will schedule the sessions at times that are convenient for families.

  • WHY?

This parenting program may help strengthen the developing relationship between parents and young children. It is also interesting, fun, and helpful for parents of young children!

If you have any questions about our ABC Parenting Program or wish to enroll, please contact us at 704. 202.5057.

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Families First Cabarrus County

Families First

985 Central Drive NW
Concord, North Carolina 28027


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